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ソバコ Sobako
MS Semolina Artwork.png

Artwork from Magical Starsign by Shinichi Kameoka

Other name(s) Farina?MS Star Check Icon.pngWhile disguised as Farina
Hometown Gren Icon.png Tropica Village
Gender Female
Species Felin
"Don't worry about me. It doesn't matter what happens to me, just so long as everyone else is safe."

Semolina is a character in Magical Starsign. She is a felin from Tropica Village on Gren, working for Durum as a guardian for his daughter Farina.


Semolina is very obedient and cautious of her companions, and always puts others before herself. However, due to her poor treatment, she has grown to dislike her life and longs for an escape. She has been shown to endure frequent verbal abuse from her boss, Durum, regarding her work as Farina's caretaker. This has resulted in her developing signs of depression, as seen through her self-destructive tendencies. Despite the intense stress she is under, townsfolk in Tropica Village take notice of her caring personality.

Semolina has beige fur and ginger hair with yellow tips, styled in a middle part, orange eyes, and a long ash-gray tail. For clothing, she wears a purple bandeau top and brass bangles below her shoulders, as well as a gold necklace with a red gemstone. She also wears a pair of baggy green pants covered in patches, with a blue and white rope tied around her waist.


Magical Starsign

The party, consisting of the protagonist, Lassi, and Mokka (and Chai if Puffoon was visited beforehand), first met Semolina after making an emergency landing on Gren. Accompanying Farina, Semolina warned her not to get too close to their rocket, running off when its hatch opened. Suddenly, Semolina was caught in the jaws of a wild mojo, so the party rushed in to save her. Upon defeating the mojo, Semolina proclaimed it was sent by the astro pirates, then told Farina to return to Tropica Village with her. Farina instead blew the monster up with magic, to which Semolina reprimanded her since the pirates targeted magicians.

To the party's shock, they found Pico tied up in Tropica Village as a sacrifice to the pirates. Dobro saw them conversing, and invited the students to meet with Tropica's chief Durum in his hut. They witnessed Durum scold Semolina for endangering Farina's life, then inquired about a potted plant which Farina eagerly observed. Semolina claimed that after burying a dead frog in the soil, Farina began burying other small animals. Farina suddenly dashed outside, alerting her father and Semolina. The felin girls and the party gathered before Pico's post, with Semolina exclaiming that he must be turned over to the pirates.

Conflict in Assam

The next morning, everyone was shocked to see that Pico had gone missing. Durum blamed the party, until Lyre admitted to seeing Farina untie Pico overnight. Durum was also accused of keeping Farina safe from the pirates despite her being a magician. A resurrected mojo abruptly stormed into the village, to which the party fought back. The villagers' accusations were proven right when Farina joined the fray, using magic to explode the mojo once more. Feeling betrayed by their chief, the felins exiled Durum, Farina, and Semolina from Tropica. The party followed them into Carbonara Jungle and reunited with Pico along the way, eventually ending up in Salamander Cave. There, Semolina mentioned that Durum ordered her to be Farina's body double, and that she would be sacrificed to the pirates in her stead. Semolina, disguised as Farina, was taken by Lord Persimmon to Assam the next day. Arriving in Assam, conflict erupted between the party, Sorbet, and Persimmon's group of pirate otters. As Sorbet attempted to stop Persimmon, "Farina" was pushed onto his ship, so she quickly hopped on as it sailed off to Razen.

Soon enough, the party was able to land on Razen themselves. A chase ensued as Sorbet abducted Celadon from Paella, leading them down Shishkebab Cavern. To their horror, they found "Farina" locked up with several other magicians. "Farina" told them how the pirates found out she could not use magic, and so left her for dead in her cell. She quickly retracted this statement, realizing she almost gave away her true identity as Semolina. Luckily, the party took down Gil Mudflap of the Space Police, to which Rogan Josh took his prison keys to free the captives. Everyone reconvened at Paella's lodge, wherein "Farina" revealed herself to be Semolina. She was then escorted back to Gren by Detective Beignet.

Farina and Semolina crying in Yggsalad

Later on, Beignet alerted the party that disaster struck on Gren, soon finding the planet engulfed in flames. They rushed into Carbonara Jungle to see a felin who looked identical to Semolina, though Lassi and Mokka believed it to be Farina still in Semolina's clothes. After Farina conjured a blazing wall, the party quelled Gren's fire and proceeded to the Holy Tree Yggsalad, where the wood millennium gummy once resided according to Abalon Demar. Deep within the tree, they discovered Tropica's villagers and Durum buried from their necks in the ground. Suddenly, a large plant called the holy sapling, revealed to be Farina's potted plant grown to enormous dimensions, awoke and attacked. As the party defeated it, Farina showed up and was promptly scolded by Semolina. The felin girls took a moment to cry, to which the resident salamanders arrived and warned of a bud that sprouted in the ground. They explained how anyone who stepped inside would be digested and reborn as the wood gummy. Semolina volunteered herself before somberly walking into the bud, leaving the wood gummy in her place. Alarmed by the sacrifice, Durum retrieved the gummy and gave it to the party, saying that it was Semolina's soul.

Following the ordeal, Durum and the party gathered in Tropica's Nuts Lodge. He handed them Semolina's hairpin as a memento, asking that she be with them in spirit when the captive magicians are rescued. Upon leaving, Sorbet admitted to feeling jealous over the sacrifice. Both she and Semolina had few reasons to keep living, and had the felin not died to become the wood gummy, Sorbet would have done so herself. She ran out of the inn, later apologizing to her friends for her outburst. Luckily, Pico assured her that the classmates would always have each other.

After journeying to Nova inside the sun, the party planned on activating the Starway to reach the dark planet Shadra, where Master Kale and the pirates had gone moments prior. Farina, Apitos, and Durum later boarded a dwarven vessel to the light planet, the latter still remorseful over Semolina's death. While in Sparklin Palace, Caldarroste sneakily clipped one of Mokka's wires, so Sorbet bridged the circuit using the hairpin. Once the party touched down on Shadra, Mokka stood aside to project Semolina's soul from his body. She stated that their companions were following behind, encouraging them to push forward and save the universe.


  • The majority of her appearances in-game use Farina's sprites.
  • Although Semolina does not have much confirmed physical information, Mokka mentions in the diary that she and Farina are the same age and height. This is more explicitly stated in the Japanese version,[1] whereas they are "about" the same age and height in the English localization.[2]


Her name comes from semolina, ground durum wheat used in pastas and puddings.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ソバコSobako Sobako, from そば粉 sobako (buckwheat flour)
Flag of France.svg French Semoulina Semolina
Flag of Germany.svg German Semolina From her English name
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Semolina From her English name
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Semolina From her English name


  1. みんなの日記・015・二人ノ少女 : "★フラワート ソバコハ トシモ セカッコウモ オンナジ。 ★カオモスコシ ニテイテ マギラワシイ。 ★コンド 夜中ニ 部屋ニシノビコンデ オデコニ シルシデモ ツケテオコウ。" Translation: Everyone's Diary・015・Two Girls : "★FlourFarina and SobakoSemolina are the same age and height. ★Their faces are also near identical, which makes it hard to tell them apart. ★For next time, I'll sneak into their room in the middle of the night and put a mark on one of their foreheads."
  2. Diary・015・Two Girls: "Farina and Semolina are both about the same age and height. They look pretty similar. It's beginning to confuse my visual processing. I'll have to draw a mark on one of their foreheads when they're not looking."