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MVTranslate Icon.png This article covers content from Magical Vacation
Since Magical Vacation is not officially localized in English, all names and terminology will instead be derived from the English fan translation by magicalpatcher.MS Star Check Icon.pnghttps://www.romhacking.net/translations/2662/
Keep in mind that these translations may not be accurate or consistent with the original Japanese version.
カフェラテ Kaferate
Caffè Latte
Other name(s) Latte Rustynail
Spirit Early Symbol.png Ancient
Starsign Earth Symbol Black.png Earth
Hometown Erd Icon.png Rio Villa
Gender ? (referred to with masculine pronouns)
Date of birth ?
Age Around 12000MS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Vacation
Around 12800MS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Starsign
Blood type ?
Species Ancient robot
Height 187cmMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Vacation
123cmMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Starsign
Weight 20kgMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Vacation
98kgMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Starsign
Relative(s) Emerald Core ("mother")
Robot D12S ("brother")
Biscotti (adoptive father)
Affiliation(s) Espresso civilization
"An ancient machine made long ago, but he's been dormant and his wind-up parts were kept intact all the while."
"Found in a curiosity shop by Principal Biscotti, Mokka is a dry and deadpan robot who wields powerful earth magic."

Latte Rustynail is a party member in Magical Vacation. He is an ancient robot who attends Will-o'-Wisp Academy and is a user of ancient magic. Over 800 years later in Magical Starsign, he returns as a party member who uses earth magic. In this game, his name is Mokka.


Magical Vacation

Latte is the eighth member to be recruited by the party, joining after being saved in Tour de la Roche. His initial levels are level 12 and magic level 9.

His element is ancient, represented by the spirit Early. Its spells can debuff enemies' agility. As a party member, Latte uses high HP and defense to tank physical attacks, but is weak when it comes to agility.

Level 1 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
2 28 17 7% 9 14 4 4

Level 12 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
2 70 64 7% 14 21 7 4

Max stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
99 4018 3025 7% 343 679 172 168


Spells Skills
Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 1 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 2 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 5 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 8 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 11 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 14 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 18 MV Skill Icon.png Chop
MV Guard Icon.png Guard
MV Flee Icon.png Flee
Early Symbol.png Call Early Early Symbol.png Robonail Early Symbol.png Robospring Early Symbol.png Clear Toasty Early Symbol.png Robogear Early Symbol.png Double Early Early Symbol.png Robomissile

Special power

As part of a side quest, Latte can use his special power to motivate dwarves scattered about the Dark Realm and Abyssal Realm, and have them return to Opopmat Cave. This is needed to make Garam Masala accessible in the post-game.

Magical Starsign

Mokka is present as a member of the party during the tutorial section of the game at Will-o'-Wisp Academy. After reviving him on Cassia, he joins as a permanent member of the party.

Mokka's affinity is earth, allowing him to gain aura when Erd is in alignment. His attacks are highly damaging, and he has the highest starting HP among the party, though his agility is low.

Level 1 stats

Magical Starsign - HP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP% Symbol.png MP% Magical Starsign - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Starsign - Intelligence Symbol.png IQ Magical Starsign - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Starsign - Spirit Symbol.png Spr Magical Starsign - Agility Symbol.png Agi
200 5 8% 4 4 6 3 2

Level 5 stats

Magical Starsign - HP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP% Symbol.png MP% Magical Starsign - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Starsign - Intelligence Symbol.png IQ Magical Starsign - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Starsign - Spirit Symbol.png Spr Magical Starsign - Agility Symbol.png Agi
320 13 8% 6 6 8 5 3

Level 99 Stats

Magical Starsign - HP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - MP% Symbol.png MP% Magical Starsign - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Starsign - Intelligence Symbol.png IQ Magical Starsign - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Starsign - Spirit Symbol.png Spr Magical Starsign - Agility Symbol.png Agi
3088 172 8% 55 57 73 58 36


Spells Skills
Level 1 Level 12 Level 23 Level 30 Level 44 Skill Icon - MS.png Tackle
Skill Icon - MS.png Guard
Skill Icon - MS.png Cross guard[a]
Skill Icon - MS.png Move
Skill Icon - MS.png Flee
MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Gravel pounder MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Stalagmiter MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Boulder bash MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Vibrant dance MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Bellowing rock

Wild magic

Mokka can use wild magic to create earthquakes. This can be used in key locations to trigger events, but can also be used to flip gummy frogs over, freezing them in place.



Mokka is often portrayed as sarcastic with a dry sense of humor, while simultaneously taking the part of the logical member of the group. He can even be a bit stubborn and impatient; however, he occasionally shows a softer side around his close friends, and secretly yearns for romance. Mokka is also quite philosophical, sometimes sharing his esoteric worldviews with others during moments of peace. In the Japanese versions of both games, his dialogue is written in messy a messy katakana script called Café au Lait Font (Calfont KanaKa.png  Calfont KanaFu.png  Calfont KanaCE.png  Calfont KanaO.png  Calfont KanaRe.png  Calfont KanaFu.png  Calfont KanaCO.png  Calfont KanaN.png  Calfont KanaTo.png).


Mokka's appearance remains consistent in both Magical Starsign and Magical Vacation. He is mainly composed of a brown metal and has many screws around his body. His head can be pried open to reveal a mouth-like hatch, and beneath it is a digestive apparatus.[1] There are exactly six small ones and two large ones on his chest, and five on his head. He also has quite a few sectioned parts where joints are, like on his legs and feet. He has three fingers on each hand, each composed of three silver joints, and are attached to a grey metal socket on each palm. Also on his arm are decorative indents in the metal plating. Mokka has one singular orange eye that rests on his bucket-shaped head. Also on his head are three brass funnels On his back, Mokka has two cylindrical tanks that light up when casting magic.


Early life

Remnants of the Espressos in Kahve Ruins.

Over 12000 years ago,[2] a group from Puffoon called the Espressos settled on Erd. Their leader Dr. Calzone took an interest in the sun and wished to reach Nova, a planet occupying a dimension within the sun's atmosphere. They settled on Erd in hopes of finding a gate from the resident yogart gurus, who could send their souls to Nova at will, but their efforts were for naught. Instead, the Espressos joined with the yogart gurus to construct the Kahve plant, where self-sufficient robots were manufactured. These robots, running on the AI Ribbit Ribbit α (Alpha), could construct new robots from parts and were powered by gummies produced in Kahve. Development on a β (Beta) version began soon thereafter, which was to be installed in a new line of robots, one of whom would be Latte. The Beta robots initially had five technicians working on them, but as the Alpha robots got out of hand, droves of technicians were called from Puffoon. The Beta robots were capable of bending space, though concepts like "nihil" and "cool" were omitted from their programming.

Around four years later, after neglecting several warnings from the brownies, the Espressos faced a full-scale attack from the natives of Erd. Calzone and his colleagues attempted to fight back by programming a protocol into the AI, which forced the robots to fight the nine stone giant,[3] resulting in the deaths of all but one of them. The Espressos met their fate when the robots, deprived of energy, turned them into gummies and erased them from history. For reasons unknown, many robots were launched off Erd and scattered throughout the universe. In Latte's case, he ended up in Garam Masala in the Dark Realm, where he would remain for thousands of years.

Twenty years before Magical Vacation, an excavation team of dwarves led by Bruschetta discovered Latte in Garam Masala.[4] Unfortunately, the team disbanded after going bankrupt, so they sold Latte and their equipment to a curiosity shop. Principal Biscotti happened upon Latte with Ribbit Ribbit β, once thought to be lost hardware, still in tact. He jumped for joy as he purchased Latte, who burst into tears, and enrolled him in Will-o'-Wisp Academy.[5] Biscotti also purchased nine other units, combining their parts to create Latte's current model.[6]

Magical Vacation

Latte running to the magic bus.

As Miss Madeleine's class waited to board the magic bus to Valencia Beach, Latte talked with Cassis, Cider, Olive, and Arancia in the academy's music room about alleged disappearances at the Seaside School. Frightened by their stories, he fled the room and ran to the bus, expressing his fear to the protagonist and Peche. As the students talked amongst themselves on the drive to Valencia Beach, Latte overheard a conversation about Chocolat's enrollment in Will-o'-Wisp after being excavated two decades ago. He bragged how he was much the same, but Blueberry remarked that Biscotti purchased him second-hand for only 200 bira. Latte stood his ground, stating his price did not affect his self-worth.

Later that evening, Latte wandered the beach while humming songs and questioning the ways of the world. However, things took a turn for the worst when enigmas suddenly swarmed in, warping all the students to another plane of existence called the Light Realm. Latte managed to reunite with Blueberry, Lemon, Peche, and Candy, though Candy left to look for the other students. As for Latte and the other girls, they stumbled upon Balsamico aboard the magic bus in Ricebird Fields, which was supposedly dragged to the Light Realm during the enigma invasion. Balsamico exclaimed the bus broke down from the impact, and so asked Latte if he could borrow some parts from his body. Appropriately horrified by Balsamico's plan, Latte ran off and was eventually caught by dwarves. While in the dwarves' possession, Latte was remodeled into an oven, and later sold off to Parmesan of souris crime syndicate in Tour de la Roche.

The party managed to invade Tour de la Roche and meet with Parmesan on the top floor, where he learned that Latte was affiliated with them. Offering him ten blue frogs, Parmesan gave Latte back to the students. Latte nervously exclaimed he was ready to be modified for the magic bus, having experienced what it was like to be retooled, and hurried back to Ricebird Fields. By the time the students made it to the bus, Balsamico had tried tinkering with Latte, but found his components to be too worn out. He requested they visit the Iko Domnag factory and have Latte upgraded into a magic power generator, which would give the bus enough energy to warp out of the Light Realm. Conquering several trials and scaling Iko Domnag, the group consulted Grenadine and fought his tartar terrier, after which he remodeled Latte into a magic power generator. The remaining students had been warped to the Dark Realm moments prior, and seeing as the magic bus only had enough energy to warp once, the students opted to return to Will-o'-Wisp in the Material Realm first. While Balsamico and a handful of students stayed behind to repair the bus, Latte and the protagonist entered the academy's summoning machine; the pulses from Latte's generator altered the machine's magic flow, effectively reverse-summoning them into the Dark Realm.

Exploring the Dark Realm and reuniting with more students along the way, the party soon arrived at Opopmat Cave past Muy Mot Desert. There, they met Bruschetta, who reminded Latte of how he was excavated from the underground temple two decades ago. With his motivation reignited, Bruschetta asked that Latte and his friends find the four other members of the excavation team, and encourage them to return to Opopmat Cave.

Resuming their journey, the stakes were drastically raised when Ganache and Candy entered a portal to the Abyssal Realm, with Ganache planning on fusing with the enigmas' former king Kerendu. Fearing the worst, Miss Madeleine retooled Latte and got the bus to warp to the Abyssal Realm. The students pursued the duo, eventually challenging Candy and un-fusing her with the enigma Equillekrew. Their search ended in the cave of reincarnation, Drazzig Grotto, finding Ganache talking with Kerendu. Before a fusion could commence, the students expressed their concerns to Ganache. Latte reminded Ganache of the tranquility he felt sitting by the riverbed, explaining that happiness is easy for anyone to achieve. Defeating Kerendu and interrupting his fusion with Ganache, the party chased him into the Hall of Rebirth and vanquished him for good. As a group, they left Drazzig Grotto victorious, boarding the magic bus before warping back home.

Return to the Kingdom

Rocket Latte blasting off into space.

Years later, Sesame became an antiques researcher and ran Latte under several modifications. The last modification he performed was a rocket, in which he shot Latte from Valencia Beach into the depths of space.

Magical Starsign

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No reason provided.

Return to Kovomaka

Mokka would continue to study at Will-o'-Wisp for the next ten years with Lassi and Chai, as Pico had dropped out to explore Baklava, and Sorbet joined the Space Police after graduation. Lassi published many unsuccessful dissertations on rocket science in that time, and Mokka eventually allowed Lassi to reconstruct his body into a rocket. Moments before liftoff, Chai snuck into Rocket Mokka's storage tank, secretly joining Mokka and Lassi on a journey beyond Baklava.

Other appearances

Café au Lait Fight

Main article: Café au Lait Fight
A screenshot of Café au Lait Fight.

In 2006, Latte starred in a Flash game called Café au Lait Fight on the Brownie Brown website. It was a shooting game where Latte/Café au Lait was guided by the player's cursor. To defeat enemies, he used ancient magic that could be buffed by summoning spirits. However, because of his limited HP and MP, the player needed to direct him towards special healing characters periodically. Following the closure of both Flash and the Brownie Brown site, very little footage of this game was archived.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Mokka appears in the game as a trophy and as sticker #629, using his art from Magical Starsign. Like other Magical Vacation series trophies, Magical Vacation is omitted in his appearances.[7][8]

Trophy Description Appearances How to Unlock
Mokka - Trophy.png
Found by the Will-o'-Wisp Academy principal in a curiosity shop, Mokka is an antique robot remade from old parts. Mokka studies with his classmates despite his sometimes different view of things. Physically strong and tough on defense, Mokka also has a sensor for scanning surroundings. We even see Mokka fall in love, depending on the story line.
Magical Starsign
# Sticker Effect Usable by
Mokka - Sticker.png
[Normal] - Resistance +27

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Mokka appears in the game as spirit no. 1178. In his spirit battle, he is portrayed by R.O.B. on the Great Plateau Tower stage. The reduced speed condition is likely meant to reference ancient magic, which debuffs enemies' agility.[9]

SSBU Mokka Spirit Graphic.png
No. Name Type & Power Class
1178 Mokka SSBU Shield.png 3700 ★★ ADVANCED
Stage Fighter(s)
Great Plateau Tower R.O.B. (x1)
Rules Theme
Move Speed ↓ Attack - Soma Bringer
  • You have reduced move speed
  • Trivia

    • All of Mokka's earth spells in the Japanese version of Magical Starsign come from German words. Despite his localized name Mokka being a German word, his spells were given new names in overseas releases, including the German localization.
    • Broiled eel is his favorite food.[10]
    • When examining Mokka's head in Pescato, his battery reads, "Will-o'-Wisp Academy Class B, Mokka" (魔法学校 ウィル・オ・ウィスプ ロークラスB カフェラテMahō Gakkō Wiru O Wisupu Rōkurasu B Kaferate Magic School Will-o'-Wisp Low Class B Caffè Latte). Its item description in Japanese also describes it as having a "fragrant scent" (こうばしいニオイがするKōbashī nioi ga suru fragrant scent), foreshadowing his past with the Espresso civilization.
    • If the protagonist in Magical Starsign is female, Mokka will confess he has feelings for her during the Starfall Festival on Razen.
    • He is made from an ultrametal called karuikane (カルイカネ lit. "lightweight metal").[10]
    • He is Nobuyuki Inoue and Kōji Tsuda's favorite Magical Vacation character.[1]
    • Between the Magical Vacation series, Super Smash Bros. series, and his role in Café au Lait Fight, Mokka is the most represented Magical Vacation character.
    • Mokka is the only party member of the main cast in both games (excluding hidden party members and egg characters) to have an unspecified gender, with his profile page in Magical Vacation listing him as "?". He addresses himself with the personal pronoun オレ ore in Japanese, which is predominantly used by men, and overseas releases of Magical Starsign refer to him with masculine pronouns.


    His name in Magical Vacation comes from café au lait, meaning "coffee with milk" in French. His name in the English fan translation, Latte, is derived from this.

    His name in Magical Starsign, Mokka, is German for "mocha," a mixture of coffee and chocolate.

    Names in Other Languages
    Language Name Meaning
    Flag of the United States.svg English fan translation Latte Rustynail
    Flag of Japan.svg Japanese カフェオレ・ラスティネイルKafeore RasutineiruMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Vacation
    カフェラテKaferateMS Star Check Icon.pngMagical Starsign
    Café au Lait Rustynail, from café au lait (coffee with milk in French)
    Caffè Latte, from caffè latte (coffee with milk in Italian)
    Flag of France.svg French Mokka From his English name in Magical Starsign
    Flag of Germany.svg German Mokka From his English name in Magical Starsign
    Flag of Italy.svg Italian Mokka From his English name in Magical Starsign
    Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Mokka From his English name in Magical Starsign


    1. Guard upgrades to cross guard when equipped with the gaian brace.


    1. 1.0 1.1 Magical Vacation rumors § Page 4
    2. カフェオレ : "「オレダッテ ソウダゼ~。オレガ ツクラレタノハ12000ネンマエ ナンダガ グラン・ドラジェニ ミコマレテマホウヲ オシエラレテルンダ。" Translation: Café au Lait : "I'm much the same, you know~ I was built 12000 years ago, but Grand Drageé happened upon me and taught me magic."
    3. Mokka: "Initiating attack algorithm. (Beep.) Target of attack: stone giant."
    4. ブルスケッタ : "「なんでも、かんでも、20年前、ここの地下の神殿からおめぇを掘り出してやったオラの顔、忘れたが!?" Translation: Bruschetta : "I dug you outta the underground temple here twenty years ago, and you forgot my face of all things!?"
    5. "人工知能・ケロケロβのテスト版が搭載されている。ケロケロβはケロケロαの投げやりな性格を修正したもので、ちょっとニヒルでカッコイイ行動をすることを目標に作られた。ケロケロβは、最初は5人の小さなグループによって開発が行われていたが、ケロケロαの暴走が拡大したため、プロジェクト途中から数十人規模の開発者が投入された。そこから、人海戦術で大急ぎで作られたため、本来のコンセプトであった『ニヒル』や『カッコイイ』が活かされなかった。ケロケロα暴走とともに古代文明は崩壊、ケロケロβは世に出ることなく終わった幻の人工知能と言われてきた。グラン・ドラジェはケロケロβ搭載のカフェオレを骨董屋でみつけて、思わず小躍りしてしまったと言われている。そしてカフェオレは、踊り狂うグラン・ドラジェを見て涙をこぼした。" Translation: "He is equipped with a test version of artificial intelligence Ribbit Ribbit β. Ribbit Ribbit β revised the negligent personality of Ribbit Ribbit α, created for the purpose of behaving a bit nihilistic and cool. Ribbit Ribbit β started development with a small group of five people, but as Ribbit Ribbit α grew increasingly out of control, droves of developers were brought in midway through the project. From there, it was hastily designed through human wave tactics, and thus, the original concepts of "nihil" and "cool" were not implemented. The ancient civilization collapsed when Ribbit Ribbit α went haywire, and Ribbit Ribbit β was dubbed a phantom AI that never made its way to the world. It is said that Grand Dragée discovered Café au Lait in an antique shop and could not help but do a little dance. Then Café au Lait burst into tears at the sight of Grand Dragée's dancing." [1]. Archived: [2]. Retrieved August 15, 2024. Nintendo.co.jp.
    6. Magical Starsign manual (United States), pg. 9
    7. List of SSBB trophies (Others) - SmashWiki
    8. List of stickers (Others) - SmashWiki
    9. List of spirits (Others) - SmashWiki
    10. 10.0 10.1 Magical Vacation rumors § Page 1