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Masala Chai Village

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Masala Chai Village Gallery

Masala Chai Village, known in Japan as Masalatea Village, is a town in the Dark Realm in Magical Vacation. Lead by Chief Ginger, it belongs to a colony of canins hailing from the Wood Realm.[1]


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Name MV Bira Icon.png Bira
Healing Item Icon - MV.png Green frog 20฿
Healing Item Icon - MV.png Blue frog 100฿
Healing Item Icon - MV.png Yellow worm 100฿
Tail Icon - MV.png Depoison tail 20฿
Tail Icon - MV.png Unstun tail 30฿
Tail Icon - MV.png Deparalyze tail 60฿
Tail Icon - MV.png Wakey tail 100฿
Head Icon - MV.png Fencing mask 1800฿
Arms Icon - MV.png Platinum ring 3200฿
Body Icon - MV.png Lizard mail 6200฿
Boot Icon - MV.png Elf shoes 1000฿
Accessory Icon - MV.png Jade studs 2800฿
MD Part Icon - MV.png Rose quartz 2500฿
MD Part Icon - MV.png Papaya 25฿
MD Part Icon - MV.png Yellow mica 1000฿
MD Part Icon - MV.png Sheep's gut 600฿


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Non-player characters


Masala Chai Village was founded long ago by canins who arrived from the Wood Realm.[1] As per canin tradition, they adhered to the rules of their chief, and rarely ever mingled with outsiders. Two generations prior to Magical Vacation, Masala Chai's then-chief ventured into Gelato Cave on Ice Island in search of the icy seed, a remedial plant that could treat any sickness. However, he was slaughtered by the hailcrab before he could find the seed, a tragedy which would affect the villagers for years to come.[2]


Its name comes from masala tea, also known as मसाला चाय malasa chai, a mixed-spice tea originating from the Indian subcontinent.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of the United States.svg English fan translation Masala Chai Village
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese マサラティ村Masarati Mura Masalatea Village


Party ProtagonistPistachioAranciaGanacheKirschePecheBlueberryLemonLatteCassisCiderSesameChocolatCabernetOliveCandyChappyPotPucine the 4thDodoRicebirdPookaGummy FrogPuttyBrownMagic doll
Characters MadeleineBiscottiChardonnayVanillaBalsamicoPizzaVolcaneraTiramisuMousseMille-feuilleChiffonMeloneTortillaTarteTatinGateauParmesanQuattro FormaggiDab HasnelGrenadinePeabee AnjayMaceCinnamonGingerNectarMuskCocoaRad HasnelShallotKleinBlackcurrantEquillekrewKerendu
Spirits FireWindPoisonBeautyBladeSoundStoneInsectWoodBeastWaterThunderAncientDarkLightLove
Material Realm Will-o'-Wisp AcademyValencia Beach
Light Realm Mimolette ForestForest CaveOturan VillageWetsomus RuinsRicebird FieldsRicebird SpringsGreen Tea VillageCold Honey PalaceRekcarc QuarryVille de SourisTour de la RocheUfot VillageIko Domnag
Dark Realm Spollacs Swamp EdgeMasala Chai VillageIce IslandGelato CaveTapioca Tea VillageEcir ThicketMuy Mot DesertOpopmat CaveAkvavit CastleEnigma ForestTreeman's ColonyOsim VillageEastern ForestMt. MorbierAbos VillageSpollacs SwampBrownie CavernToptoh Mines
Abyssal Realm The Great RockGazpacho VillageTandooriThe BadlandsMay VillagePyramidArkoAbyssal CorridorLand of DarknessDespair SwampDrazzig GrottoHall of Rebirth
Bonus dungeons Garam MasalaTuoekatYekrut
Gameplay CombatMagicItemsEquipmentStickersLink Mode
Menu BiraBestiaryMagic notebook
Corporate NintendoBrownie Brown
Staff Nobuyuki InoueShigeru MiyamotoShinichi KameokaTsukasa Masuko
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation Complete GuideMagical Vacation: A Mysterious World
Manga The Day Before Seaside School