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Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align - Nintendo Official Guidebook

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Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align
Nintendo Official Guidebook

任天堂公式ガイドブック Majikaru Bakēshon Itsutsu no Hoshi ga Narabu Toki Nintendō Kōshiki Gaidobukku
Magical Vacation When the Five Planets Align Nintendo Official Guidebook Cover.png

Front cover of the guidebook

Illustrator(s) Shinichi Kameoka
Kōji Tsuda
Kuninori Ueno
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Genre Guidebook
Published August 1, 2006

Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align - Nintendo Official Guidebook is a Japanese Magical Starsign guidebook published by Nintendo and Shogakukan, released August 1, 2006. It succeeds the Magic Planet Observation Manual, containing full information about the game, a walkthrough, enemy information, item lists, and trivia.


Basic Information

Basic Information (pg. 5-38) covers the party members, their respective spells and proficiencies, and introduces Madeleine, Biscotti, and Kale. Moreover, it offers information on the planets of the Baklava solar system, character statistics, wild magic, item types, planet aura, combat basics and interactive commands, and status effects. Following that, it explains the main features of Amigo Mode, egg characters, and includes a key for overworld maps.


Main article: Plot summary of Magical Starsign

Story (pg. 39-138) is two-part walkthrough of the game. The first part begins on Kovomaka when the students take off to outer space, and ends when Sorbet joins the party after the event in Shishkebab Cavern. The second part covers the millennium gummy quest and provides a recommended order, ending with the final battle against Shadra. Beneath it is a section summarizing the enemies and bosses in Glissini Caves.


Data (pg. 143-158) is a complete index of every item and equipment piece, where to obtain them, buy/sell prices, and the bonus effects of each equipment set. Further down is a bestiary containing every enemy, their initial habitat, stats, item drops, and attacks.

Party ProtagonistLassiMokkaChaiPicoSorbet
Egg characters NoggKirTom YamFondueGelatoStarPooka
Characters MadeleineBiscottiKaleRobot D12SPizzaGorgonzolaMinister MunsterCaldarrosteChardBeignetParfaitMacadameusPourriMugwortBriocheCressonTwigadamusSemolinaFarinaDurumGamelanPersimmonCeladonElder KettleTerra CottaRogan JoshMudflapGrenadineSturgeonDemarEmerald CoreApplepieMuzzleflashTektosShallotSuspiroKnucklestormFowlerCarbon
Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy
Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolPeatmossAnt HoleGorgonzola's Hole-aWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaShips' GraveyardUponisbakPath of Five OrgansPlateau of the Giant
Cassia Tangerine BeachPescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon RoadNata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon SpaceportBena Rikashi?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Carbonara JungleTropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Jalapeno WastelandPaellaPoblano CaveUlupica BasinWorld SeamShishkebab CavernCapsicum CavernsMacaroonCondimen Tower
Nova Sugarleaf PlainsSparklin PalaceKing's RoadPhunnel PitStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave
Other Baklava solar systemNeumann
Battle Magic (Fire | Wood | Wind | Earth | Water | Light | Dark) - Items - Status Effects - Level and Experience - Guard - Rows - Critical Hit - Game Over
Magical Navigator Maps - Eggs - Bestiary - Encyclopedia - Diary - Amigo list
Corporate Nintendo - 1-UP Studio
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align - Nintendo Official Guidebook