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Macadameus GallerySprites
経験値仙人・ルーマオ Keiken-chi Sen'nin・Rūmao
EXP Hermit・Rumao

Screenshot from Magical Starsign

Other name(s) Master Macadameus
Starsign Wind Symbol Black.png Wind
Gender Male

Macadameus, known in Japan as Rumao, is an optional boss character in Magical Starsign. He is a powerful martial artist that resides in Quinoa Plain on Puffoon



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Macadameus is an imp-like creature with orange skin, blue fur, and a pointed nose and ears. He hovers in the air with pink moth wings, and wields a leaf in his left hand.[1]


Macadameus is unlike other enemies in the game in that he will not attack the party unless he is attacked first. He will not act on any of his turns otherwise, allowing the player to use bean pops on him. He can also be used to summon figurine enemies in his place.[1]

Macadameus has wind affinity, gaining an aura when Puffoon is in alignment. He has the spells wind talon and falcon dive, both of which deal massive damage to all members of the party with the potential to inflict dizzy. He also has the neutral spell celestial swap, allowing him to manipulate the alignment of the planets to his advantage. Outside of these two affinities, Macadameus can use spells from every other affinity, though they are rarely ever used. These are: heat fondu from fire; briar patch from wood; gravel pounder from earth; absolute zero and ice fromage from water; crystal laser and prism barrier from light; and blood money from dark. He can also perform the physical skill gust, which deals damage to three random party members in the front row. He has the highest defense stat in the game, making it difficult to deal significant damage to him.[1][2]


# Name Magical Starsign - Level Symbol.png Magical Starsign - HP Symbol.png Magical Starsign - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Starsign - Intelligence Symbol.png IQ Magical Starsign - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Starsign - Spirit Symbol.png Spr Magical Starsign - Agility Symbol.png Agi
255 Wind Icon - MS.png Macadameus 99 85000 220 200 140 150 240
Habitat P. RST M. RST MS Bira Icon.png Bira EXP Drops
Puffoon Icon.png Quinoa Plain 100% 100% 0 0 MS Key Item Icon.png Warrior's nose


Spells Skills
MS Fire Starsign Menu Icon.png Heat fondu
Wood Icon - MS.png Briar patch
Wind Icon - MS.png Wind talon
Wind Icon - MS.png Falcon dive
MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Gravel pounder
Water Icon - MS.png Absolute zero
Water Icon - MS.png Ice fromage
Light Icon - MS.png Crystal laser
Light Icon - MS.png Prism barrier
MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Blood money
Neutral Icon - MS.png Celestial swap
Skill Icon - MS.png Gust

Bestiary entry


This master of martial arts lives a hermit's life. He has fought every battle a hundred times in his head before the first blow ever lands. Handle with care.


ブジュツシンとよばれていた すごくえらいセンニンだ。 戦いのことなら 何でも知っている。 おこると コワイからちゅうい!

A grand hermit once revered as the god of martial arts. He knows virtually everything when it comes to combat. Be warned, he gets scary when angered!


Early life

Long ago, Macadameus was revered as the god of martial arts. He took Biek Fowler in as his disciple, dubbing him his "mortal apprentice" later on. Macadameus then chose to live as a hermit in Quinoa Plain.

Magical Starsign

When the party interacted with Macadameus, he offered to lend them his power, so long as they agreed to deal with Fowler. He also gave them combat advice, and how to best utilize their magic.

After Shadra was defeated in Chromagar Cave, Macadameus observed the glowing sun, taken aback by the party's victory.[1]


  • Macadameus is the only enemy in Magical Starsign that can be fled from 100% of the time.
  • It is possible to obtain multiple warrior's noses by defeating Macadameus; this is the only key item that the player can hold multiple of.


His name comes from macadamia, a type of nut that is rich in healthy fats and vitamins.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 経験値仙人・ルーマオKeiken-chi Sen'nin・Rūmao EXP Hermit・Rumao, from オマール omāru (homard, "lobster" in French)
Flag of France.svg French Macadameus From his English name
Flag of Germany.svg German Macadamia Macadamia
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Macadameus From his English name
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Macadameus From his English name


Party ProtagonistLassiMokkaChaiPicoSorbet
Egg characters NoggKirTom YamFondueGelatoStarPooka
Characters MadeleineBiscottiKaleRobot D12SPizzaGorgonzolaMinister MunsterCaldarrosteChardBeignetParfaitMacadameusPourriMugwortBriocheCressonTwigadamusSemolinaFarinaDurumGamelanPersimmonCeladonElder KettleTerra CottaRogan JoshMudflapGrenadineSturgeonDemarEmerald CoreApplepieMuzzleflashTektosShallotSuspiroKnucklestormFowlerCarbon
Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy
Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolPeatmossAnt HoleGorgonzola's Hole-aWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaShips' GraveyardUponisbakPath of Five OrgansPlateau of the Giant
Cassia Tangerine BeachPescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon RoadNata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon SpaceportBena Rikashi?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Carbonara JungleTropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Jalapeno WastelandPaellaPoblano CaveUlupica BasinWorld SeamShishkebab CavernCapsicum CavernsMacaroonCondimen Tower
Nova Sugarleaf PlainsSparklin PalaceKing's RoadPhunnel PitStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave
Other Baklava solar systemNeumann
Battle Magic (Fire | Wood | Wind | Earth | Water | Light | Dark) - Items - Status Effects - Level and Experience - Guard - Rows - Critical Hit - Game Over
Magical Navigator Maps - Eggs - Bestiary - Encyclopedia - Diary - Amigo list
Corporate Nintendo - 1-UP Studio
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align - Nintendo Official Guidebook