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Lemon Airsupply

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Since Magical Vacation is not officially localized in English, all names and terminology will instead be derived from the English fan translation by magicalpatcher.MS Star Check Icon.pnghttps://www.romhacking.net/translations/2662/
Keep in mind that these translations may not be accurate or consistent with the original Japanese version.
Lemon Airsupply
レモン・エアサプライ Remon Easapurai
Lemon Airsupply
MV Lemon Airsupply Artwork.png

Artwork from Magical Vacation by Shinichi Kameoka

Spirit Zappy Symbol.png Thunder
Gender Female
Date of birth August 3
Age 16
Blood type B
Species Felin
Height 148cm
Weight 35kg
Relative(s) Unnamed maternal grandfather
Kaminari Airsupply (father)
Three unnamed brothers
Affiliation(s) Party
"The type of person who bluntly says what's on her mind. She's a nice person, but a bit scary."

Lemon Airsupply is a party member in Magical Vacation. She is felin martial artist who uses thunder magic and attends Will-o'-Wisp Academy. Blueberry Lakeside is her closest friend.


Lemon joins the party at Cold Honey Palace in the Light Realm after Dab Hasnel is defeated, starting at level 11 and thunder magic level 7. She possesses the thunder spirit, which is strong against the ancient spirit, but weak to the water spirit and dark spirit. Her magic covers vertical and square areas, and has the potential numb enemies. Lemon is a dependable attacker with high physical power and average stats, except for her low spirit and MP%.

Outside of battle, Lemon's special power removes piranhas that try to extort bira from the player.

Level 1 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
2 25 18 8% 11 10 5 6

Level 11 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
7 62 61 8% 16 15 7 8

Max stats

These totals may vary based on stat allocation bias.

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
99 4016 3024 8% 510 344 172 337


Spells Skills
Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 1 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 2 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 5 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 8 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 11 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 14 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 18 MV Skill Icon.png Kick
MV Guard Icon.png Guard
MV Flee Icon.png Flee
Zappy Symbol.png Call Zappy Zappy Symbol.png Thunderclap Zappy Symbol.png Flasher Zappy Symbol.png Clear Early Zappy Symbol.png Lightning Zappy Symbol.png Double Zappy Zappy Symbol.png Thunderspark


Lemon is very tomboyish and protective of her close friends, willing to sacrifice herself for their safety. She is a tough, active, and clever girl who helps those who are vulnerable, and has a quick-witted sense of humor. She is also shown to be very decisive, able to make quick and risky decisions in the face of danger. However, Lemon's temper tends to gets in the way of her better judgment, and she often faces the consequences. Her hobby is playing darts.

Lemon has honey blonde fur with lion-like hair, magenta eyes, big felin ears, and a frizzy tail. She wears an emerald diadem over her forehead and a brass ring around her neck. For clothes, Lemon wears a purple bandeau top with a green-orange collar, purple training pants cloaked in a green veil, and a pink heart-shaped belt buckle. On her hands are pink shoulder-length gloves, both of which have a purple ribbon tied around the wrist, and her tail is accessorized with gold bangles and green jewels. Her choice of footwear is a pair of pink boots, tied at the ankles with purple ribbons. The boots' cuffs are teal and detailed with a yellow and green triangle pattern.


Early life

Lemon was born into a family of martial artists. She and her three older brothers trained under their father Kaminari,[1] until one day, she was accidentally struck in the solar plexus and fainted. Word of the accident reached Lemon's maternal grandfather, who angrily made her quit training. As time passed, she became more upset as her brothers' martial arts skills far exceeded hers, so she applied for Will-o'-Wisp Academy in hopes of surpassing them. At the academy, Lemon caught Cabernet Cheaptrick and other students bullying Blueberry Lakeside by hiding her bag. Blueberry could not stand up for herself, so Lemon intervened and pummeled the bullies. This landed her in big trouble, but she developed a strong friendship with Blueberry afterwards. When she was scolded for beating up Cabernet, Lemon realized she could face expulsion if she could not control her temper, meaning she would be unable to catch up to her brothers. Lemon's grandfather also reprimanded her behavior and told her to act more ladylike.[2]

Magical Vacation

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After Magical Vacation

Lemon practicing her new techniques

Lemon continued to develop her skills, eventually pioneering a fighting style that combined martial arts and magic, which gained popularity across the entire nation.


  • Her favorite food is yakitori (grilled skewered chicken).[3]
  • Parfait from Magical Starsign may be reference to Lemon, since she is also a felin that uses martial arts.


Her name comes from lemon, a sour citrus fruit. Her surname may come from the Australian soft rock duo Air Supply.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese レモン・エアサプライ (Remon Easapurai) Lemon Airsupply


  1. "小さい頃、カミナリさまにおヘソが取られるのが怖くてお腹を隠してたけど、カミナリ娘のレモンにそんなのは迷信だからと諭され、ブルーベリーを信用させる為レモンも一緒におヘソを出す服を着るようになったのでした。" @ShintaKameoka on Twitter, February 2, 2015. Retrieved February 16, 2024.
  2. "格闘家の家系に生まれ、3人の兄とともに父親から格闘技を習っていたが、ある日、兄の拳の寸止めが効かずにみぞおちに入り気を失う事故が起こった。それを聞いた母方の祖父がカンカンに怒って格闘技をやめさせた。それ以来、3人の兄との格闘技の技術は離れていくばかりで、内心悔しい思いをしていた。魔法学校への進学を希望したのも、兄たちを追い越したい一心からだった。男の子が女の子をいじめたりするのが許せない性格で、ブルーベリーをいじめている男子生徒などをボコボコに殴って問題になったこともあった。退学になってしまうと3人の兄に追いつけなくなるので、今は大人しくしている。母方の祖父(おじいちゃん)からはよく「女らしくしなさい」と説教されている。" Translation: "Born into a family of martial artists, she and her three older brothers learned martial arts from their father, but one day, an accident occurred in which her brother's fist struck too close and hit her right in the solar plexus, knocking her unconscious. When her maternal grandfather heard this, he was enraged and forced her to quit martial arts. Since then, her martial arts skills have only drifted farther and farther apart from her three older brothers, which made her feel frustrated. Her decision to attend the Magic Academy was motivated the desire to surpass her brothers. She has a temper that cannot stand when boys bully girls, and once got in trouble for beating up male students who were picking on Blueberry. If she is expelled, she will not be able to catch up to her three brothers, so now she behaves maturely. Her maternal grandfather often tells her to "act more ladylike."" [1]. Archived: [2]. Retrieved January 2, 2025. Nintendo.co.jp.
  3. Magical Vacation rumors § Page 1