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Kirsche Pintail

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Since Magical Vacation is not officially localized in English, all names and terminology will instead be derived from the English fan translation by magicalpatcher.MS Star Check Icon.pnghttps://www.romhacking.net/translations/2662/
Keep in mind that these translations may not be accurate or consistent with the original Japanese version.
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Kirsche Pintail
キルシュ・ピンテール Kirushu Pintēru
Kirsche Pintail
MV Kirsche Pintail Artwork.png

Artwork from Magical Vacation by Shinichi Kameoka

Other name(s) KirshSSBB
Spirit Toasty Symbol.png Fire
Gender Male
Date of birth November 30
Age 15
Blood type O
Species Human
Height 157cm
Weight 47kg
Affiliation(s) Party
"A boy with a strong sense of justice. When he begins something, he loses focus of everything else."

Kirsche Pintail is a party member in Magical Vacation. He is a student at Will-o'-Wisp Academy whose specialty is fire magic.


Kirsche is the fourth classmate to be recruited by the party, joining in Forest Cave beneath Oturan Village. His initial levels are level 3 and magic level 3.

His element is fire, represented by the spirit Toasty. Its magic has high base damage and covers various areas. Kirsche's stats are quite balanced with a preference for power and HP, only falling short with spirit.[1]

Level 1 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
2 27 16 8% 12 10 3 7

Level 3 stats

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
3 41 27 8% 14 10 3 8

Max stats

These totals may vary based on stat allocation bias.

Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png Magical Vacation - HP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MP Symbol.png Magical Vacation - MPP Symbol.png MP% Magical Vacation - Power Symbol.png Pow Magical Vacation - Defense Symbol.png Def Magical Vacation - Spirit Stat Symbol.png Spr Magical Vacation - Agility Symbol.png Agi
99 4025 3015 8% 512 342 169 340


Spells Skills
Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 1 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 2 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 5 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 8 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 11 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 14 Magical Vacation - Magic level Symbol.png 18 MV Skill Icon.png Kick
MV Guard Icon.png Guard
MV Flee Icon.png Flee
Toasty Symbol.png Call Toasty Toasty Symbol.png Hot grill Toasty Symbol.png Heat fondue Toasty Symbol.png Clear Gusty Toasty Symbol.png Lava shot Toasty Symbol.png Double Toasty Toasty Symbol.png Searing fireball

Special power

Kirsche's special power lets him retrieve two yellow worms when drinking from an MP Pot for the first time.



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Kirsche has spiky blonde hair tied up in the back, thick eyebrows, and teal eyes. His expressions are very accentuated, such as stern frowns when he is serious or toothy grins when excited. He wears a red gi lined in purple fabric with a blue hood attached, and an olive green undershirt. On his wrist are cuffs with colors that compliment the rest of his outfit. He also wears red harem trousers and olive green slip-ons.


Early life

When Kirsche was young, he promised to marry his friend Arancia Scorenote, but lost interest after developing a crush on Candy Mintblue. He grew up professing to love sports, though he was never really good at them. Kirsche became the type of person who refused to accept defeat, rematching his opponents over and over again until they gave up. Whenever he won, he would brag as though he never lost in the first place. Kirsche also struggled at the academy due to a lack of studying, but felt accomplished if he got at least one right answer on an exam.[1]

The Day Before Seaside School

One day before the class's departure for Valencia Beach, Kirsche and Sesame discussed their upcoming trip outside the academy. Kirsche made it his goal to ask Candy out, but Sesame revealed Candy was already in love with someone, causing Kirsche to panic. He met up with his classmates, trying to find out who Candy's crush was. Just then, Candy arrived with Peche and told Kirsche she was excited to see him light campfires with his magic. Kirsche, erupting with excitement, then vowed to do his very best at camp.[2]

Magical Vacation

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Return to the Kingdom

When Kirsche grew up, he married Arancia and raised two children. He set out on a trip around the world shortly after, and eventually became an instructor at the academy.[1]

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

He appears in the game as sticker #626, with his name translated as "Kirsh".

# Sticker Effect Usable by
File:Kirsche - Sticker.png
[Flame] - Attack +11


  • His favorite food is kishimen noodles.
  • Although it is stated in the English fan translation that Kirsche has an older brother, this is a mistranslation of キルシュのアニキ Kirushu no Aniki, or "Big Bro Kirsche," a nickname used by Sesame.
  • Kirsche speaks the first-ever line of dialogue in the series, that being, "「ピスタチオ!!<主人公>!!なにやってんだ!?もうバスが来るぜ!!" ("Pistachio!! <Protagonist>!! What are you doing!? The bus is already on its way!!").


His name comes from kirsch, meaning "cherry" in German.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of the United States.svg English KirshSSBB
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese キルシュ・ピンテール (Kirushu Pintēru) Kirsche Pintail


Party ProtagonistPistachioAranciaGanacheKirschePecheBlueberryLemonLatteCassisCiderSesameChocolatCabernetOliveCandyChappyPotPucine the 4thDodoRicebirdPookaGummy FrogPuttyBrownMagic doll
Characters MadeleineBiscottiChardonnayVanillaBalsamicoPizzaVolcaneraTiramisuMousseMille-feuilleChiffonMeloneTortillaTarteTatinGateauParmesanQuattro FormaggiDab HasnelGrenadinePeabee AnjayMaceCinnamonGingerNectarMuskCocoaRad HasnelShallotKleinBlackcurrantEquillekrewKerendu
Spirits FireWindPoisonBeautyBladeSoundStoneInsectWoodBeastWaterThunderAncientDarkLightLove
Material Realm Will-o'-Wisp AcademyValencia Beach
Light Realm Mimolette ForestForest CaveOturan VillageWetsomus RuinsRicebird FieldsRicebird SpringsGreen Tea VillageCold Honey PalaceRekcarc QuarryVille de SourisTour de la RocheUfot VillageIko Domnag
Dark Realm Spollacs Swamp EdgeMasala Chai VillageIce IslandGelato CaveTapioca Tea VillageEcir ThicketMuy Mot DesertOpopmat CaveAkvavit CastleEnigma ForestTreeman's ColonyOsim VillageEastern ForestMt. MorbierAbos VillageSpollacs SwampBrownie CavernToptoh Mines
Abyssal Realm The Great RockGazpacho VillageTandooriThe BadlandsMay VillagePyramidArkoAbyssal CorridorLand of DarknessDespair SwampDrazzig GrottoHall of Rebirth
Bonus dungeons Garam MasalaTuoekatYekrut
Gameplay CombatMagicItemsEquipmentStickersLink Mode
Menu BiraBestiaryMagic notebook
Corporate NintendoBrownie Brown
Staff Nobuyuki InoueShigeru MiyamotoShinichi KameokaTsukasa Masuko
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation Complete GuideMagical Vacation: A Mysterious World
Manga The Day Before Seaside School