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Holy Water Pyramid

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Holy Water Pyramid Gallery
Holy Water Pyramid
聖水のピラミッド Seisui no Piramiddo
Holy Water Pyramid
MS Holy Water Pyramid Map Screenshot.png

Screenshot from Magical Starsign

Planet Cassia Icon.png Cassia
Connects to Granule Island
Inhabitants Water people

Holy Water Pyramid location on Cassia in Magical Starsign. It is inhabited by the mystic tribe of water people who guard the water millennium gummy.



# Name Level Drops
092 MS Earth Starsign Menu Icon.png Monster chest 29 Body Item Icon - MS.png Rock robe
159 MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Mummy dog 28 Tail Item Icon - MS.png Decursy tail
160 MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Mummy dog 29 Tail Item Icon - MS.png Decursy tail
161 MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Bonebox 30 Tail Item Icon - MS.png Versatail
162 MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Dog master 30 Tail Item Icon - MS.png Decursy tail
163 MS Dark Starsign Menu Icon.png Dog trainer 30 Tail Item Icon - MS.png Decursy tail
204 Light Icon - MS.png Sergeant 35 None


# Name Level Drops
203 Water Icon - MS.png Demar 32 Head Item Icon - MS.png Shampoo cap


MS Key Item Icon.png Water gummy
Treasure chest Mysterious chest
MS Bira Icon.png Bira x2800
MS Bira Icon.png Bira x3500
Tail Item Icon - MS.png Defrost tail x4
Tail Item Icon - MS.png Decursy tail x3
Tail Item Icon - MS.png Wakey tail
Battle Item Icon - MS.png Sugarstar x4
Shoe Item Icon - MS.png Sandals
Other Item Icon - MS.png Putty pea


Ages ago, the water people somehow quarried stones from Nata de Coco and brought them to Granule Island, which they used to construct Holy Water Pyramid.[1] Within the pyramid, they often performed rituals at the bottom of a pit, and could communicate with other planets via a column of energy.[2] Several thousands of years later, otters traveled to Granule Island and the water people went into hiding.[3] The otters also faced a deadly ice age at some point, until the fire otter arrived and set a cup of water ablaze to keep the inhabitants warm, which produced the aquarino. Grateful for the fire otter's deed, Cassia's otters reconstructed the pit in Holy Water Pyramid and put a cauldron of fire in its place.[4]

Magical Starsign

At some point, the water people took the water millennium gummy from Ambergris Preparatory School and brought it to Holy Water Pyramid. The Space Police, in an attempt to prevent the students of Will-o'-Wisp Academy from reaching Nova, infiltrated the pyramid and massacred the water people. They also positioned a UFO over the structure, projecting a wall of light that prevented entry into the upper floors. Luckily, Pico kindled a fire that incinerated the UFO, allowing the team to challenge Abalon Demar before the Space Police could claim the water gummy. Although they managed to win, after which Demar and his forces evacuated Holy Water Pyramid, the Space Police's raid resulted in the extinction of the water people.[5]


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 聖水のピラミッド (Seisui no Piramiddo) Holy Water Pyramid
Flag of France.svg French Pyramide eau sacrée Holy water pyramid
Flag of Germany.svg German Wasserpyramide Water Pyramid
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Piramide Acquasacra Holywater Pyramid
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Pirámide Agua Sacra Holy Water Pyramid


  1. Fondue: "The stones used in the Holy Water Pyramid were taken from Nata de Coco. But it's a mystery how the water people carried them here."
  2. Fondue: "You're standing in a very significant place within the Holy Water Pyramid. If you had ESP, you could see the column of energy rising here."
  3. Fondue: "This is the holy island where the water people once lived. When the otters came, the water people simply vanished. In a sense, they were chased away by the arrival of the otters. The otters have feared a reprisal ever since."
  4. Fondue: "A long time ago, there used to be a deep hole here. The water people performed their ancient rituals there. Later, the otters rebuilt it, and that's where they held their fire rituals."
  5. Fondue: "The water people are now entirely extinct, without even a single descendant. Maybe they all turned into normal water, and now, they're just lying around in pools and oceans, watching over everyone."
Locations in Magical Starsign
MS Neutral Starsign Black Sprite.png Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy (AD)
Erd Icon.png Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolForgotten LandSpiny Mole HoleMole Town PeatmossAnt Hole
Gorgonzola's Hole-aWandering HillsWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaCrossroadsShips' Graveyard
Plateau of the GiantUponisbakPath of Five Organs
Cassia Icon.png Cassia Tangerine BeachPort PescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon Road
Nata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon Icon.png Puffoon SpaceportBena RikashiSpace Police HQ?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Icon.png Gren Carbonara Jungle (AD) ★ Tropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Icon.png Razen Jalapeño WastelandsPaellaWorld SeamShishkebab CavernPoblano CaveUlupica Basin
Habañero Volcano RoadMacaroonCondimen TowerCapsicum Caverns (AD)
Nova Icon.png Nova Sugarleaf PlainsPhunnel PitKing's RoadSparklin PalaceStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Icon.png Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave