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The encyclopedia, known in Japan as the adventure guide,[a] is a log of information about the game mechanics of Magical Starsign. After Madeleine's tutorial sequence, additional items are logged in the encyclopedia by talking to certain non-player characters in the field, particularly radishes.

List of entries

# Title Description
001 Item: Millennium Gummy These ancient gummies have been aged for over 1,000 years. They possess the condensed power of the elements--far too much power for any person to handle, so don't eat them!
002 Item: Bean Pop These mysterious beans give you experience points. Nobody knows where they came from.
003 Item: Leaf Mysterious leaves keep falling from somewhere. Snack on them to give your skills a boost. You'll have to find out for yourself which leaf improves which skill.
004 Item: Pooka Shell Pooka shells aren't adventure items. Instead, they give you new stationery to write your Amigo messages on.
005 Item: Book This old tome has generations of non-planetary magic knowledge written on its pages. Study it to master the ways of that magic. Don't worry: using it won't make it disappear.
006 Item: Gummy Frog This tasty gummy frog snack helps you regain a little of your lost HP. Don't catch too many of them, or they'll disappear!
007 Item: Gummy Worm This gummy worm may look gross, but it tastes great! Chow on it to recover some of your MP. Don't catch too many, or they'll start to disappear.
008 Item: Lizard Tail Lizards occasionally lose their tails and leave them sitting there on the ground. Disgusting as it may seem, eating them will cure all kinds of unusual ailments.
009 Item: Bomb Bombs are packed tight with dangerous magical powders. They can deal massive damage during battles, but they're good for only one use. KABOOOOOOM!
010 Item: Whistle Use a whistle to change formations. They're good for only one use, so use them wisely!
011 Item: Jam Strange planetary magic altered the fruit used to make this sweet jam. Use it during battle to boost your abilities for a short time.
012 Item: Sugarstar These weird, star-shaped candies fell from the sky. For some reason, they're usually found next to pots. Word is Pizza the Warp Dude is crazy about 'em.
013 Item: Figurine Figurines are magical statues that hold the soul of a beast. Release them during battle with Macadameus to summon the beast and fight it.
014 World: Treasure Chest It's just your average, garden-variety chest packed with treasure. For some reason, people put valuables in them and leave them around all over the place.
015 World: Mysterious Chest The weird thing about mysterious treasure chests is that they appear only under special circumstances. Don't get your hopes up too much. Sometimes, they hold only ordinary stuff.
016 World: Pizza the Warp Dude Pizza the Warp Dude is the best. He'll let you warp all over the place. Sure, sometimes it doesn't work, but all he wants in return is a sugarstar.
017 World: HP Pot Chug the water inside an HP Pot to regain all of your HP. Strangely, HP Pots are actually living, speaking creatures. Also strange, you might find sugarstars near them.
018 World: MP Pot MP Pots gurgle and burble if you toss in a frog, but there are a few better ways to recover all of your MP. Drink all you want, because they're bottomless, but don't be surprised if they talk to you!
019 World: Encounters Sometimes, you'll be walking through an area, minding your own business, when some hideous monster will leap out and tackle you. That won't happen as often if you walk on non-grassy areas.
020 Wild Magic Magic used outside of battle is called wild magic. Apprentices can wield just one type of wild magic. Depending on which element it calls on, wild magic can have a powerful effect on the land.
021 Wild Magic: Wind Lassi can summon the wind with her magic to lift light objects. Occasionally, you'll find sugarstars on the ground once the wind dies down.
022 Wild Magic: Earth Mokka's earth-quaking magic causes the ground to shake, resulting in widespread devastation. This spell can also make gummy frogs flip over on their backs and stop moving.
023 Wild Magic: Wood Chai can cast a spell that causes plants to grow at an astonishing rate. Occasionally, you'll find leaves on the ground after casting this spell.
024 Wild Magic: Fire Pico's scorching wild magic is so hot that it sets the wind on fire! Flames wrap around plants, creatures, and just about anything in the area. This spell sometimes causes pop beans[b] to appear on the ground.
025 Wild Magic: Water Sorbet uses water magic to trigger torrential downpours and create springs. Water is the essence of life for all living creatures. Casting this spell causes gummy earthworms to wriggle out of the ground.
026 Wild Magic: Light Legends tell of powerful magicians that mastered the awesome power of light magic. Light magic washes away darkness. Casting it causes gummy earthworms to burrow into the ground.
027 Wild Magic: Dark Once, a very powerful archmage mastered the magic of darkness. Dark magic sews fear and mistrust in the hearts of its victims. Using it scares away gummy frogs.
028 Battle: Spellstrike Tap yourself at exactly the right time while you're chanting a spell to execute a spellstrike. Spellstrikes energize your spell and cause it to inflict greater damage on the enemy.
029 Battle: Reflex guard Tap yourself at just the right moment while you're being attacked to pull off a reflex guard. Successful reflex guards absorb some of the force of the attack and reduce the damage it inflicts.
030 Battle: Magic Aura When your home planet is in phase, your aura becomes energized and your magic power grows much more powerful.
031 Battle: Front and Back Rows Cast spells from the back row to increase the affected target area. You won't be able to use attack skills. Casting from the front decreases your affected target area, but you can pummel enemies. Those in the front tend to take more damage.
032 Battle: Magic Magic is the key to combat. Each member of your party has an affinity for one of the planets and can cast the magic of that planet. As your party members improve and gain experience, they will lean new magic spells.
033 Battle: Kicking and Punching If you're in the front row, you can punch and kick your foes during battle. Walloping the enemy is less effective than using magic, but it doesn't use up your MP, so choose your attacks wisely.
034 Battle: Defense Defend during battle to take less damage from punishing enemy attacks. Using a reflex guard is more effective when you're defending.
035 Battle: Flee When in doubt, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Just remember, you can't always make a clean getaway.
036 Battle: Repeat Tap Repeat during battle to repeat the same action you did last turn. Go on, try it! It's handy.
037 Battle: Order of Magic The planetary houses each have their own strengths and weaknesses. This Order of Magic determines how they perform against other magic, as seen below:
Light and Dark damage one another.
038 Battle: HP Hit points, or HP, tell you how much punishment you can take before you'll fall in battle. The more you have, the tougher you are!
039 Battle: MP Magic Points, or MP, determines your magical stamina. The more MP you have, the more spells you can cast, and the more magic you use, the more you drain your MP.
040 Battle: MP Recovery[c] Your MP Recovery ability determines how many MP you recover automatically during battle. If you tap out all of your MP during battle, defend or use items for a few turns to build up more MP.
041 Battle: Experience Points You will grow stronger and stronger as you learn from the battles you win. Every battle brings you more experience, and as you increase in experience, the level of your skill will increase, too.
042 Battle: Help Mode You can switch to the help mode during battle when you select a command. Tap it again after displaying help to execute the command in this mode.
043 Battle: Status Effects

* Movement pains from thorns
* Lowered skill level due to dizziness
* Unable to recover from curses
* Unable to cast spells because of illness
* Blindness causes you to miss attacks
* Paralysis from petrification or charring

044 System: Switching the Top Screen You can choose from three different screens to place on the top screen while you're out exploring:

* Map
* Astrolog
* Party status

045 System: Rocket While you're in the rocket, you can switch up your party and heal your wounds. Anyone who has joined your cause and is not in your party will wait here for you.
046 System: Changing Your Party In the air-conditioned bliss of the rocket, you can safely swap the members in your party. Some people will come to you and talk to you when they have something important to tell you.
047 System: Eggs You may get an egg from a passing Amigo. If you exchange Amigo Data in Tag Mode several times, an egg character will hatch from the egg.
048 System: Egg Characters Egg characters are named such because they, well, hatch from eggs. Egg characters can join you in the rocket. While their magic can be powerful, their spells have been known to backfire.
049 World: Planetary Movements Inner-orbit planets rotate slowly, while outer-orbit planets rotate quickly. The sun emits five colors of light. When a planet is in phase with its same-colored band of light, characters with that affinity gain a boost to their magic.
050 World: Day and Night The sun is always phasing between active and inactive states. This causes the day-and night-like phenomena that occurs in Baklava. This cycle affects anyone with a light or dark affinity.


  1. Japanese: ぼうけんの手引, Hepburn: Bōken no tebiki
  2. The Japanese name of "bean pops", accidentally not referred to by its localized name.
  3. Titled "MP Recovery Rate" in the ordered list.

Party ProtagonistLassiMokkaChaiPicoSorbet
Egg characters NoggKirTom YamFondueGelatoStarPooka
Characters MadeleineBiscottiKaleRobot D12SPizzaGorgonzolaMinister MunsterCaldarrosteChardBeignetParfaitMacadameusPourriMugwortBriocheCressonTwigadamusSemolinaFarinaDurumGamelanPersimmonCeladonElder KettleTerra CottaRogan JoshMudflapGrenadineSturgeonDemarEmerald CoreApplepieMuzzleflashTektosShallotSuspiroKnucklestormFowlerCarbon
Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy
Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolPeatmossAnt HoleGorgonzola's Hole-aWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaShips' GraveyardUponisbakPath of Five OrgansPlateau of the Giant
Cassia Tangerine BeachPescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon RoadNata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon SpaceportBena Rikashi?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Carbonara JungleTropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Jalapeno WastelandPaellaPoblano CaveUlupica BasinWorld SeamShishkebab CavernCapsicum CavernsMacaroonCondimen Tower
Nova Sugarleaf PlainsSparklin PalaceKing's RoadPhunnel PitStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave
Other Baklava solar systemNeumann
Battle Magic (Fire | Wood | Wind | Earth | Water | Light | Dark) - Items - Status Effects - Level and Experience - Guard - Rows - Critical Hit - Game Over
Magical Navigator Maps - Eggs - Bestiary - Encyclopedia - Diary - Amigo list
Corporate Nintendo - 1-UP Studio
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation: When the Five Planets Align - Nintendo Official Guidebook