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Ecir Thicket

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Ecir Thicket Gallery
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Since Magical Vacation is not officially localized in English, all names and terminology will instead be derived from the English fan translation by magicalpatcher.MS Star Check Icon.pnghttps://www.romhacking.net/translations/2662/
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Ecir Thicket, known in Japan as Riginio Jungle,[a] is a dungeon in the Dark Realm in Magical Vacation. It is a winding boggy grove dotted with brick pathways, lying beneath Spollacs Swamp. Nectar uses Ecir Thicket as a sanctuary for wayward dodos, whose medicinal blood is sought after by poachers.


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  • Its name comes from 'rice', a cereal grain and widely consumed staple food.
  • Its Japanese name, Riginio, comes from おにぎり 'onigiri', sticky rice molded into balls.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Japanese: リギニオ密林, Hepburn: Riginio Mitsurin


Party ProtagonistPistachioAranciaGanacheKirschePecheBlueberryLemonLatteCassisCiderSesameChocolatCabernetOliveCandyChappyPotPucine the 4thDodoRicebirdPookaGummy FrogPuttyBrownMagic doll
Characters MadeleineBiscottiChardonnayVanillaBalsamicoPizzaVolcaneraTiramisuMousseMille-feuilleChiffonMeloneTortillaTarteTatinGateauParmesanQuattro FormaggiDab HasnelGrenadinePeabee AnjayMaceCinnamonGingerNectarMuskCocoaRad HasnelShallotKleinBlackcurrantEquillekrewKerendu
Spirits FireWindPoisonBeautyBladeSoundStoneInsectWoodBeastWaterThunderAncientDarkLightLove
Material Realm Will-o'-Wisp AcademyValencia Beach
Light Realm Mimolette ForestForest CaveOturan VillageWetsomus RuinsRicebird FieldsRicebird SpringsGreen Tea VillageCold Honey PalaceRekcarc QuarryVille de SourisTour de la RocheUfot VillageIko Domnag
Dark Realm Spollacs Swamp EdgeMasala Chai VillageIce IslandGelato CaveTapioca Tea VillageEcir ThicketMuy Mot DesertOpopmat CaveAkvavit CastleEnigma ForestTreeman's ColonyOsim VillageEastern ForestMt. MorbierAbos VillageSpollacs SwampBrownie CavernToptoh Mines
Abyssal Realm The Great RockGazpacho VillageTandooriThe BadlandsMay VillagePyramidArkoAbyssal CorridorLand of DarknessDespair SwampDrazzig GrottoHall of Rebirth
Bonus dungeons Garam MasalaTuoekatYekrut
Gameplay CombatMagicItemsEquipmentStickersLink Mode
Menu BiraBestiaryMagic notebook
Corporate NintendoBrownie Brown
Staff Nobuyuki InoueShigeru MiyamotoShinichi KameokaTsukasa Masuko
Other Media
Guidebooks Magical Vacation Complete GuideMagical Vacation: A Mysterious World
Manga The Day Before Seaside School