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Condimen Tower

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Condimen Tower Gallery
Condimen Tower
ドワーフの塔・キード・モンガ Dowāfu no Tō Kīdo Monga
Dwarf Tower Kido Monga
Planet Razen Icon.png Razen
Connects to Macaroon

Condimen Tower is a location on Razen in Magical Starsign. It is a factory known across the Baklava solar system for the manufacturing of incredible machinery, operated by the dwarves and their boss Grenadine. During the millennium gummy quest, it becomes Neumann's landing location on Razen instead of Jalapeño Wastelands.


The below enemies are only fought during the astro pirates' assault on Razen.

# Name Level Drops
189 Water Icon - MS.png Pirate otter 6 Other Item Icon - MS.png Rainbow shell
211 Water Icon - MS.png Pirate otter 41 None
212 Water Icon - MS.png Pirate otter 42 None
213 Water Icon - MS.png Pirate otter 42 None


In the past, Grenadine and the dwarves owned a factory tower in the land of light, which produced state of the art technology and weapons for several wars. Around eighty years before Magical Starsign,[1] Grenadine's crew abandoned the land of light[2] and set off for Razen to fulfill an unspecified dream, eventually building Macaroon and a new Condimen Tower near Habañero Volcano Road.

For the next several centuries[3] in their new factory, the crew began basing their work on philosophy instead of technology,[4] taking much influence from Craaken's Book of the Darned. They allegedly designed a bomb that could annihilate the universe at one point, but after some protest from the dwarves, a machine was made to dispose of the bomb.[5]



Its name comes from condiment, flavor-enhancing inclusions to cooked meals.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ドワーフの塔・キード・モンガ (Dowāfu no Tō・Kīdo Monga) Dwarf Tower・Kido Monga, from がんもどき ganmodoki
Flag of France.svg French Tour condiments Condiments tower
Flag of Germany.svg German Korianderturm Cilantro Tower
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Torre Condimento Condiment Tower
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Torre Guarnición Garnish Tower


  1. Shoron: "I can't really wrap by head around it, but Grenadine was tellin' me that the universe is like an onion, right? So, what, he's telling me that the whole universe is just a big, stinky thing that makes you cry all the time? You know, 80 years back, I decided I'd run off and work for this "great thinker," but now, I kinda regret that decision.
  2. Bearnaise: "We used to have a factory in the land of light, Grenadine and the rest of us. We left it behind so that we could fulfill a dream. Not really MY dream, exactly...but it was someone's dream, that's for sure. I don't know what it was, but it was important enough for Grenadine to risk his life for. So it sounds pretty big."
  3. Fondue: ""This place has been refitting rockets for centuries. This place has seen rockets that fought in wars and rockets that have explored the ends of the galaxy."
  4. Fondue: "A long time ago, this place was like a huge garage. People tinkered everywhere. Now, the focus is more on philosophy than technology. Technology-minded dwarves have had a hard time fitting in."
  5. Fondue: "This is Condimen Tower, home to dwarves of the highest technical caliber. There's a well-known story about how they once built a bomb that could destroy the universe just for the challenge of it. But some of the dwarves protested and built a machine to dispose of the bomb."
Locations in Magical Starsign
MS Neutral Starsign Black Sprite.png Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy (AD)
Erd Icon.png Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolForgotten LandSpiny Mole HoleMole Town PeatmossAnt Hole
Gorgonzola's Hole-aWandering HillsWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaCrossroadsShips' Graveyard
Plateau of the GiantUponisbakPath of Five Organs
Cassia Icon.png Cassia Tangerine BeachPort PescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon Road
Nata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon Icon.png Puffoon SpaceportBena RikashiSpace Police HQ?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Icon.png Gren Carbonara Jungle (AD) ★ Tropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Icon.png Razen Jalapeño WastelandsPaellaWorld SeamShishkebab CavernPoblano CaveUlupica Basin
Habañero Volcano RoadMacaroonCondimen TowerCapsicum Caverns (AD)
Nova Icon.png Nova Sugarleaf PlainsPhunnel PitKing's RoadSparklin PalaceStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Icon.png Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave