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Baklava solar system

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Baklava solar system
タロタロ太陽系 Tarotaro taiyōkei
Tarotaro solar system
MS Astrolog Sprite.png

Graphic from Magical Starsign

Realm MV Material Realm Icon.png Material Realm

The Baklava solar system is where the Magical Vacation series takes place, and serves as the main setting of Magical Starsign. Existing in the Material Realm of the universe, it is comprised of eight planets, two of which are located inside the sun.




Main article: Putty song

In the beginning, there existed nothing but a song for no one to hear, until someone who was no one realized he was the only one there. This "someone," a man, ventured all day in search of who sang this song of warmth, which produced the land and the heavenly skies. When he imagined the singer, she appeared before him and they sang a song together, birthing streams of wind from their mouths. The wind was both truthful and treacherous, and it found its own voice to create lands and skies of wind. Children were born and nurtured by the wind's song, growing up to become the wind people, and the land created from warmth faded in the breeze. But as time went on, the wind faded from the land and it was named "the lifeless."

Once every song in the world ended, the wind people could no longer repopulate, so they sang their own song on the desolate land, causing it to become a land of firm earth. The land of earth adopted the likeness of a person and possessed infinite life, granting countless forms to the wind peoples' song. The wind people faded, continuing to watch over the life in the earth. Songs of wind and fire echoed in the earth peoples' chest as the land had given them everything, allowing them to create whatever they desired. Fire and wind were born when the earth people sang, colliding with each other to become water. This water turned to rain, but the rain was filled with blood, plunging both the earth people and their land into a watery abyss. The waters were sentient, changing its form to birth new lives. By the time the water people were born, the waters were filled with unintelligent beings. The sunken land sand its song of the end, causing underground fire and wind in the sky to also sing their song of the end. When the water people sang a melody woven from water, the sunken land erupted with heat and the wavering winds danced in the heavens.

After a great tempest came and went, the majestic wood people were born. The wood people, imbued with all the power, sang praises of each other's beauty, entitling themselves the first "true people" while gazing into stardust and the sun's majestic light. Their song shook the whole planet, and one of the wood people assumed the role of king. As the king observed the stars above, the sun emitted five streams of light that gave power to the planets. The king, named Vermicelli, sailed through the skies and hopped betwixt the planets before setting foot on Nova inside the sun. The light that created the universe, the queen of light, encouraged Vermicelli to sing despite his self-doubt and embarrassment. Vermicelli then ran to a cave where he sang the song of the beginning in solitude, reciting the melody until his voice fell silent. He could sense his own death, to which he felt a new song reverberate in his heart - a song of the dead, the song of the end. Vermicelli's chanting summoned legions of monsters, but he refused to stop. As the song of the end echoed across space, the people were struck with the fear of death, and a war sparked between the five planets. To drive their fears away, the people sang their own song, bringing together the light of the five planets. This light created the planet of hope, Kovomaka, and in an effort to prevent it from clashing with the other five planets, the queen of light created life for it and cast it to the dark outer reaches of Baklava.

Several hundred million years later, an orbiting neutron star called Shadra experienced a peak in magical energy. This caused a new sun to form around Shadra, which merged into the original sun that contained Nova. Instead of coexisting with Nova, Shadra occupied its own dimensional space, allowing the two planets to switch places according to the universe's fluctuating magical balance. When the two suns merged together, the Starway and Phunnel Pit were spontaneously created to bridge Nova and Shadra's dimensions.[1] A rift beneath Nova's Glissini Caves used to connect the two planets' domains, until the collision of plasma and matter sealed it shut.[2]

Age of the Espressos

By the time of the space age roughly 12800 years ago, civilizations across the Baklava system developed technology that allowed for interplanetary travel. To prepare for this new era, Panna Cotta the Pretty Smart, the first monarch of Baklava's five planets, had a spaceport constructed in the city-state of Bena Rikashi on Puffoon. At some point, the Espresso civilization, led by Calzone, traveled to Erd. They heard that the resident yogart gurus could visit Nova, the "land of light," in spirit, speculating that a gateway existed somewhere on the earth planet. When no gate was found, they settled on Erd and commenced a four-year plan to develop an AI program titled Ribbit Ribbit. The robots operating on Ribbit Ribbit used artificial gummies as fuel, which were generated in Kahve, an industrial plant co-developed by the Espressos and the yogart archmage Craaken. Calzone's technicians performed many PSI amplification tests on psychics that they invited to Erd, including a girl named Applepie. These tests proved that strong psionic forces could twist dimensions, which the Espressos wanted to incorporate into the Beta version of Ribbit Ribbit; that way, they could enter the land of light. However, before Ribbit Ribbit Beta was completed, the brownies declared war on the Espressos and the robots turned them all to gummies. Only Calzone and Craaken were known to escape the disaster, with Craaken fleeing to Cassia and opening Ambergris Preparatory School.

At this new institution, Craaken taught aspiring magicians the secrets of the universe, and published his teachings in a grimoire titled the Book of the Darned. These teachings included etherealization, the process by which matter temporarily assumes its most basic form, and the death of the sun. Craaken knew that a giant larva called Shadra, the dark planet's namesake, fed on magic gummies crystallizing inside Chromagar Cave. Shadra would use that energy to mature and devour the sun, destroying the universe before birthing a new sun, and with it, a new universe. Craaken also fashioned the Stone Stage in Shishkebab Cave on Razen, a device that used the planet's fire energy to open a direct gate to Nova.

Legends of Cassia

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On Cassia, a being called the Dragon God caused the planet's undersea volcanoes to erupt, and the plumes of smoke turned Cassia frozen solid. This sudden ice age resulted in the deaths of many otters living in Port Pescato, but before they could lose hope, one otter cast fire from his hand and set a glass of water ablaze. The villagers relied on this perpetual flame to survive the cold, and they called the flame-casting otter the "fire otter." As for the glass of water, it was imbued with magical properties that made it immune to freezing or evaporation, and was dubbed the aquarino. Regular water could gain the aquarino's properties when mixed, so the otters sealed it away in Nata de Coco Door to prevent Cassia's ecosphere from being damaged.

While the fire otter's brother was out fishing one day, he caught the Dragon God and was pulled into the deep waters. The fire otter spent three days and three nights pursuing the Dragon God, and after he defeated it, he made a gravesite for his brother and built Great Dragon Road to commemorate the Dragon God. Otters from Pescato gathered at the altar in Great Dragon Road, where they sacrificed gummy frogs to tame the ocean.

Around this time, the otters landed on Granule Island in the east, home to a tribe of water people. The water people hid inside Holy Water Pyramid, a construct made of stones that were quarried from Nata de Coco, which projected a column of energy that allowed for interplanetary communication. The otters reconstructed a pit inside the pyramid where the water people performed rituals, installing a cauldron where fire rituals to perform their fire rituals.


  • In the ending of Magical Starsign, there is said to be another galaxy that exists outside the Baklava system. Any details surrounding this other galaxy are uncertain.
  • According to Grenadine, there is a ranking of the seventy-five best magicians in Baklava. Madeleine[3] and Biek Fowler[4] contend for first place, while Rogan Josh ranks somewhere between tenth and seventy-fifth.[5]
  • Kōji Tsuda, the game's art director, designed Baklava's five main planets with unique shapes to reflect their respective attributes, which is why Kovomaka is the only spherical planet.[6]


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Reason: Needs German, Italian, and Spanish names

Its name comes from baklava, a Turkish pastry made with nuts and syrup.

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese タロタロ太陽系 (Tarotaro taiyōkei) Tarotaro solar system, possibly from taro
Flag of France.svg French Système solaire de Baklava Baklava solar system


  1. Fondue: "The dark planet was once just another planet rotating the sun. During a peak in the planet’s energy, it created a new sun, and that sun was absorbed into this one. That’s when the Siphon Caves and the Glissini Caves and the Starway were created."
  2. Fondue: "There was once a dimensional hole here that led to the dark planet. The interaction of matter and plasma has plugged it shut, but the natural energies of the planets may force it open again."
  3. ニウキサラム塾長 : "★たしか 10才くらいの 時じゃったのう…… ★わしがここに 連れてこられたとき マドレーヌはすでに ★この塾で1、2を争う 魔法の使い手 だったのじゃよ。★かれこれ 800年くらい 昔の話さね。 ★マドレーヌは 何をしても 特別じゃった。 ★闇の生き物と 言われてる エニグマを 手なずけて見せたり ★ワープ魔法を 編み出したり…… ★それに 勉強熟心で ずっと本を 読みふけっておった。" Translation: Cram School Headmaster NiukisaramuHeadmaster Sturgeon : "★I’m sure I was about 10-years-old or so… ★When I first got admitted here, Madeleine was already one of the best magicians at the cram school. ★Granted, what I say happened nearly 800 years ago. ★Madeleine was exceptional in every way. ★She proved to tame enigmas, said to be the creatures of darkness, ★and figured out warp magic… ★Always eager to learn, she spent plenty of time reading a book."
  4. ナジョ・ドルーゴ : "★タロタロ太陽系では 1、2を 争う大魔法使い…… ★今は宇宙警察の 武術コモンだ。" Translation: Najo DorugoBrie Pourri : "★He's the one of the top two magicians in the Tarotaro solar systemBaklava solar system… ★And he's currently the martial arts advisor for the Space Police."
  5. グレナデン : "★行って来るだ。 ★わしらには…… ユガ・ターバが ついておる。 ★実はヤツも 魔法を使える。 ★おそらくこのタロタロ太陽系で 10本…… ★いや…… 75本の指にはいる 使い手じゃ。" Translation: Grenadine : "★I'll be off. ★We have…Yuga TabaRogan Josh with us. ★As a matter of fact, he can cast magic, too. ★He's pro'lly one of the ten… ★No, seventy-five best casters in the Tarotaro solar systemBaklava solar system."
  6. "津田:やはり人々が魔法を使って生活している世界なので、画面に映る色々なものから魔法をイメージしてもらえるようなデザインを心がけました。今回は舞台が宇宙になるんですが、それはSFではなくもっとファンタジックな雰囲気で捉えています。5つの惑星にしても科学的に考えれば引力の関係で丸くなるはずなんですけど、それぞれの属性を表しているようなフォルムにしてあります。" Translation: "Tsuda: Since this is a world where people use magic in their everyday lives, I tried to create designs that would evoke the idea of magic through the various things on-screen. The setting this time around is outer space, but it has a more fantastical feel rather than a sci-fi one. Scientifically speaking, the five planets should be round because of gravitational forces, but I made each one shaped in a way that represents their respective attributes." Nintendo Online Magazine, [1]. Archived: [2]. Published July 5, 2006. Retrieved January 13, 2025. Nintendo.co.jp.
Locations in Magical Starsign
MS Neutral Starsign Black Sprite.png Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy (AD)
Erd Icon.png Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolForgotten LandSpiny Mole HoleMole Town PeatmossAnt Hole
Gorgonzola's Hole-aWandering HillsWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaCrossroadsShips' Graveyard
Plateau of the GiantUponisbakPath of Five Organs
Cassia Icon.png Cassia Tangerine BeachPort PescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon Road
Nata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon Icon.png Puffoon SpaceportBena RikashiSpace Police HQ?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Icon.png Gren Carbonara Jungle (AD) ★ Tropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Icon.png Razen Jalapeño WastelandsPaellaWorld SeamShishkebab CavernPoblano CaveUlupica Basin
Habañero Volcano RoadMacaroonCondimen TowerCapsicum Caverns (AD)
Nova Icon.png Nova Sugarleaf PlainsPhunnel PitKing's RoadSparklin PalaceStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Icon.png Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave