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?????  ?????
MS ????? Map.png

Map from Magical Starsign

Other name(s) ???
Planet Puffoon Icon.png Puffoon
Connects to Bena Rikashi

????? is a location on Puffoon in Magical Starsign. It is Kale's private laboratory on the east end of Bena Rikashi.



Treasure chest Mysterious chest
Body Item Icon - MS.png Sage robe
Shoe Item Icon - MS.png Sage shoes
Battle Item Icon - MS.png Sugarstar x3


Years ago, when Master Kale was accepted into King Suspiro's entourage, he was given this laboratory to conduct magical research. He also kept the last existing copy of the Book of the Darned in the lab, having taken it from Ambergris Preparatory School on Cassia. At some point, Kale produced and raised the odd beetle here under the sanction of Suspiro, which he released into the Couscous Ruins. Amidst his crusade against the magicians of the Baklava solar system, he invited Parfait into the lab and talked about Shadra, a giant larva said to live inside the sun and would one day destroy the universe.

Magical Starsign

After the students of Will-o'-Wisp Academy visited the Space Police HQ, they met Parfait outside, who invited them over to "her house" on the edge of Bena Rikashi. In reality, she led them to Kale's lab, where she asked them to help her search for the Book of the Darned. Once they found the book, Parfait warned them not to open it, exclaiming that past readers were cursed to death. Parfait also mentioned how the only surviving readers were Madeleine and Kale, but she fled the lab before she could elaborate. Outside, a Space Police officer told the students they were tricked into entering Kale's personal laboratory, and ordered them to follow him to the SP headquarters. The officer suddenly received word that "the salamander" escaped custody and was on the run, so he gave the students 2 bira as compensation.


  • This is the only location in the series that has a name consisting entirely of punctuation.
  • In the lab's display case, one of the specimens seems to resemble the insect spirit from Magical Vacation.


Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ?????
Flag of France.svg French ?????
Flag of Germany.svg German ?????
Flag of Italy.svg Italian ?????
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish ?????
Locations in Magical Starsign
MS Neutral Starsign Black Sprite.png Kovomaka Will-o'-Wisp Academy (AD)
Erd Icon.png Erd Quiet PlateauKahve RuinsGumbo GaolForgotten LandSpiny Mole HoleMole Town PeatmossAnt Hole
Gorgonzola's Hole-aWandering HillsWhere the Stars SleepRio VillaCrossroadsShips' Graveyard
Plateau of the GiantUponisbakPath of Five Organs
Cassia Icon.png Cassia Tangerine BeachPort PescatoMandarin BeachLover's CoveDragon BeachGreat Dragon Road
Nata de Coco DoorGranule IslandAmbergris Preparatory SchoolHoly Water Pyramid
Puffoon Icon.png Puffoon SpaceportBena RikashiSpace Police HQ?????Quinoa PlainHoney MintCouscous Ruins
Gren Icon.png Gren Carbonara Jungle (AD) ★ Tropica VillageSalamander CaveAssamHoly Tree Yggsalad
Razen Icon.png Razen Jalapeño WastelandsPaellaWorld SeamShishkebab CavernPoblano CaveUlupica Basin
Habañero Volcano RoadMacaroonCondimen TowerCapsicum Caverns (AD)
Nova Icon.png Nova Sugarleaf PlainsPhunnel PitKing's RoadSparklin PalaceStarwayGlissini Caves
Shadra Icon.png Shadra Cocoabutter ValleyChocomilk CavesChromagar Cave